
Harvest (2009-07-24)

We still cry a lot. 

The sight of Daifoo's belongings, his pictures, his shrine, and places that saw his presence still bring back vivid memories of him.  The videos of him, especially those that captured his voice are the hardest to watch but we can't help but relive our lives with him.  Why do we do that to ourselves?

However, life does go on.  Besides consoling each other, I'm actively looking for a new cat to adopt.  Call me crazy, call me weird, but I want a kitten who looks like DAIFOO!  Getting a cat is a lifetime commitment, so we can't rush into things and get a kitten just for the sake of filling the void.  Of course you'll read about it if we come upon the "right" one.

To begin this journal of our lives without Daifoo, let me post another round of mundane pictures: harvest from our humble garden.

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