
Yakult Lady (2004-08-02)

I posted a picture of the back of a Yakult Lady before.  In case you've forgotten what these ladies are, they pedal around on bicycles passing out samples of Yakult drinks and also delivering orders.  I happened to walk past a bicycle that belonged to such a lady the other day and took its picture.

Today while I was sweeping outside our apartment, one rode by.  She made an abrupt stop and handed me a sample pack while explaining to me all the goodness contained in the drink.  I took it because KL likes that stuff.  I used to buy it in Sydney just for him.  I myself don't like any food which boasts its benefit to humans by the bacteria it contains even though they are good bacteria.  The thought of me dunking billions of BACTERIA into my mouth is most unsettling.  My body is doing just fine without the help of Yakult bacteria, thank you very much.

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