
Suspa (2009-12-28)

Although Evason Ana Mandara offers plenty of massage and spa treatment, they also charge you an arm and a leg.  In fact, all their services and meals are a great deal more expensive than the going rate in other establishments in the city.  So we decided to stay away from their high pricing and seek other alternatives.

Suspa is easy to find and also recommended by Zannie (do we dare trust her word after that Thuy Duong disaster?)  Turns out KL really enjoyed the massages he got at Suspa (went there twice).  I also got a Facial Treatment which was cheap alright but not what I expected.  I had wanted the salon to use stuff and what-not on my face and not the face massage the masseuse gave me for a long stretch of time.  She was pulling and twisting so hard my face felt numb afterwards!  She also massaged my arms, hands, shoulders, and back which I found strange when all I asked was a facial.

One thing to note: although they advertise 15% off for early birds, they give you a higher set of prices to choose from when showing up early!  After the 15%-off time is past, you're given a cheaper menu.  How sly is that?

Suspa         93 Nguyen Thien Thuat St., Nha Trang       Tel: 058-3523242

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