Softbank's Cool Boss And Cool Mascot (2011-04-03)
KL went to Softbank, a mobile phone and network company on business in March and brought home a little toy for Efoo. It's their white dog mascot named Kai. The toy is a phone strap thingie, wears a shirt, dons a helmet and says three recorded messages when squeezed. That's pretty cool, but not as cool as Softbank's boss Sonn Masayoshi.On March 22, Sonn visited Fukushima with the mayor of Takemushi city
of Saga Prefecture (in Kyushu of south Japan). There the
mayor offered
evacuation venue for 1200 Tamura city (right near the nuclear plant)
tsunami victims in
his city for a year. Sonn promises that during that year, he'll
pay for every expense for the evacuees regarding transportation, work
and food. He will also give each child who lost their parents in
the quake a mobile phone and pay for all the phone bills and expenses
until they turn 18.
Update on some major donations (as of March 31):
- Japan received US$100 million donation from American
- Within Japan, donation to Redcross amounts to US$440 million.
- Charity concert in Taiwan within the first week of the quake raised US$24 million.
- Donation through Fuji Television (a local TV channel) amounts to
US$12 million.
- Donation through Television Asahi (Doraemon Fund-raising) amounts to US$15 million.
* Benefit concerts and activitives to raise funds for relief
efforts for the quake/tsunami are still being carried out overseas and
locally. Thank you so much, all you kind-hearted people in the
加油、日本! Do Your Best, Japan!
Update (as of April 4): Softbank will donate US$12 million and Sonn is to donate US$120 million personally for quake relief funds.
Update (as of April 5): Donation to Japan Redcross reaches US$ 1.65 billion.
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