
Postal Lottery (2004-10-23)

Postal lottery is a rather strange but interesting idea. 

You can get blank post cards from post offices all year round, but around mid-year and year-end, these post cards will have lottery numbers printed at the bottom.  Several sets of numbers will be drawn on a chosen date and one can win prizes ranging from a trip to digital cameras with the winning numbers.  Since Japanese like to send summer and year-end greetings by post cards to friends and family, recipients of these post cards don't just get regards from loved ones, they also get a chance to win a prize. 

My hairdresser sends me such post cards twice a year.  So far I have not won anything but I look forward to getting them in the mail.  Because I just love to hear from my hairdresser, not that I could win a trip to southern Japan, of course not.

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