
Instant Scratchy (2005-07-25)

A coupla weeks ago, I took Daifoo to the vet for a checkup and to get more medicine for him and the bill totaled 11770 yen which was written on a receipt dated Heisei 17/7/11 ( Heisei 17 is the name and number of the era of the current Emperor).

Then in the afternoon I went to a supermarket and bought grocery worth 1778 yen.  Next I made a stop at a drug store and surprised to see the things I bought came to 577 yen.  So, on one hot July day, I made all those 7's in bills and purchases. 

I was messenging with KL and told him about it.  I felt so positively lucky that I asked him to get an Instant Scratchy for me on his way home which he did. It was the very first time we had gotten a Scratchy in Japan. Well, I didn't win anything, turns out neither the number 7 nor beginner's luck does me any good.

What was I doing?  I was looking too hard and too much at something as simple as some 7's coincidentally appearing several times in a day.  Searching for patterns within chaos, that's what I was doing.  I excitedly thought I found it and it was nothing but a bunch of 7's.

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