
Hello Kitty Stamp (2005-07-26)

Just when I thought I had seen enough of that cloying pink face that passes off as a cat and incidentally proclaims itself as KITTY all the while saying HELLO to everyone, its face on a stamp stares at me on the postcard I received from our vet the other day.  I can't believe Hello Kitty has edged past the consumer market and infiltrated the postal system.

I used to like Hello Kitty, but now it kinda gets on my nerves.  Perhaps because its face is on too darn many things.  I believe "too many of a good thing" can choke you (even though I can't really say Hello Kitty merchandise is "good" thing), and I wish manufacturers would clamp down on the number of products on which the Kitty face appear.

I love cats.  But that Hello Kitty is a poor imposter, it doesn't even have a mouth!  And I must say pink is so not right for the color of a cat.

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