
Vacation Time (2006-10-16)

By the time you read this, KL and I will have left for our annual vacation.  This year we chose Honolulu.

I can barely swim, am petrified of swimming in open waters (especially in a depth when my feet can't touch the bottom) and paranoid of germs in public pools or public wet floors like the area surrounding the pools or shower rooms where you walk barefoot and can catch warts or athelete's foot or whatever (Okay, so I'm a germaphobic). 

So why did we pick Hawaii?  Because I want to see why over 1.5 million Japanese visit Hawaii every year.  All of my Japanese acquaintances including my hairdresser have been to the famous island-state, some of them more than once.  We heard them rave about the place, so I think it's about time KL and I checked the place out ourselves, for research purposes, you know.  Besides I don't believe Honolulu is only about sun and surf,  there'll be plenty of eating and shopping to keep us busy.  And although I am no big fan of taking a dip in the vast ocean, I do enjoy sitting well off the shoreline (well away from sharks and jellyfish and all the other unknown nasties) on fine sandy beaches and watch the waves lick the clear blue water, for hours.  Our week there will zip by doing just that.

We'll be back in Tokyo next week.  You will still see new posts during our absence.  How many bloggers post new entries when they are away on vacation, I ask you?  Boy, KL (the sole technie behind this site) and I are GOOOOOD!  Hopefully I don't need too long to sort out the pictures and report on our trip after we come back.  Aloha!

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