
Cooking Shows Lie (2007-03-22)

Had some fun cooking lately?  Me neither.  But I did have disappointment after a dish I cooked didn't turn out the way it did in the hands of a TV chef.  I followed his recipe to a T but mine was so badly burned!  The dish has an interesting name called Tea Kettle Chicken which calls for chicken thigh meat to be marinated in oyster sauce, mirin, wine and soy, then panfried with a filled kettle sitting over it as you can see in the above photo. 

What I saw the chef achieving was a beautiful piece of golden brown chicken fried to perfection with a very delicious-looking crispy skin.  Mine was black.  Good thing my olfactory sense was fully functional that day or the chicken would not have been salvageable.  I smelled burning meat even before the chicken was half cooked.  I quickly removed the darned kettle and flipped the chicken to cook the other side.  We were still able to eat the chicken at the end after peeling off the blackened skin.  I wasn't too happy with my dinner though because the best part of the chicken--crispy skin--was ruined. 

I'm not saying TV chefs lie (yes actually I'm saying TV chefs lie), but you've gotta know when to trust them and when not to.  Next time I hear catchy dish name such as Tea Kettle Chicken, I should know better than to believe such a dish would work.  BUUUT, if someone starts making Percolator Shrimps... that's a different story.

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