
Shopping Day (2007-07-23)

It's been a long time since KL and I went on a full day shopping spree with a purposeful shopping in mind.  Usually we just go out to eat and then browse around for interesting food and occasionally go inside any shops that display some silly or weird stuff for photography intention.

However KL had some big items he NEEDED to get and me some small ones that I couldn't put off buying any longer.  Our mental shopping list included: business suit for the summer, a short-sleeve casual shirt, a pair of pants, L.L.Bean's Storm Chaser Shoes, a kitchen timer, a heat-proof spatula, a bento box and a retangular clothes hanger with pegs.  Most of the items on the list are needed to replace the ones that are broken at home with the bento box and hanger being the most urgently needed.  I've been using a rubber band to close the lid of the broken bento box and hanging washing including underwear on individual clothes hangers because one of the two rectangular hangers has completely fallen apart.

So, after a day's walking around Shinjuku (kanji), we managed to get most of the items on the list.  We didn't get the pants because we were dead tired to go back to Uniqlo to fight the crowds; we didn't get the shoes 'cause there's no L.L. Bean in Shinjuku and most stupidly of us, we forgot the hanger which means I'll either have to go out again by myself just to get that or I could keep putting up panties and briefs on hangers like displaying colorful flags.  Yeah, I think I can live with doing that for a little bit longer.

Lesson learned: don't rely on a mental shopping list, always have a written list.

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