
And We Thought MT Was Just Fat (2009-08-06)

Man!  When MT was seen having a barrel kind of a body in April, we laughed at her rotundness and called her "Fatso! Fatso!".  Although her torso was solidly round, her belly wasn't noticeably protruding, hence the thought of her being preggers never came to our minds.

Until recently she showed up a size slimmer and her teats full and moist like they've been suckled, then it dawned on us that she's been carrying babies all that time!  A couple of weeks ago, two of her teats were red and swollen and I suspect she might be suffering from mastitis (inflammation of the nipples/breasts).  Luckily for her (and for us), they got well themselves fairly quickly.

We haven't seen any sign of kittens so far, and neither do we want to.

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