
Berthillon, Amorino (2010-12-15)

The famous ice-cream at Berthillon was my target on L'ile Saint-Louis. 

I first thought Berthillon was the name of the shop (it is actually), but there are some restaurants and shops that sell ice-cream also have the words "Glaces & Sorbet Berthillon" on their storefront.  Because of this confusion, I mistook the first store we saw as the genuine Berthillon and got very disappointed because it was closed.

Also on my target list was Amorino, an Italian gelato shop further down the street.  Therefore we went there to get our dessert (after the picnic lunch).  It was very good indeed: creamy, chocolatey, and bitter.  KL also enjoyed his. (check out what we had in the photos)

Upon leaving the island, we saw a very tiny shop selling ice cream bearing the word Berthillon too with a long line out front.  So I joined the line and got a small scoop to try.  Man, another bitter, chocolatey creamy ice cream.  Why do French make such good ice cream?

Two days later, we returned to locate the authentic Berthillon (this time with the help of our guide book) and got another taste of excellent ice cream.

Amorino     47 rue Saint Louis en l'île 75004 Paris     Metro: Pont Marie

Berthillon     31 rue Saint Louis en l'île 75004 Paris

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