
Sekaihanten (2011-05-30)

After watching a TV reporter eat her roast duck rice at Sekaihanten, I wanted some!

The 26-yr-old restaurant is ancient.  The interior is antiquated, the furniture is aged, the hand-written menu on the wall has turned yellow and tatty, and the messy kitchen looks unorganized.  It looks like the restaurant is run by a family with the cook being the man of the house, the wife waitressing tables and the KID son minding the till.

KL and I arrived at 1150 am, fifty minutes after Sekaihanten opens, but looked like the cook had just started to work.  There were lots of dirty dishes piled up on a tray at a corner that looked like they'd been there for a long time.  There were no other customers or staff in the restaurant.  When we ordered our duck rice, the cook said it'd be a 50 minutes' wait.  He hadn't even begun to cook any ducks.  Not wanting to sit at our table for an hour, we left to browse the neighborhood.  Luckily there was a bookshop, a supermarket and a large 100-yen shop nearby for us to kill time.

When we returned to Sekaihanten, the aroma of roast duck filled the room. Ahhh, at last, our food's in the oven.  This time, a middle-aged woman wearing slippers brought us water and took our order.  But our duck still took 25 minutes to arrive...

The quantity was much less than what I saw on pictures and on the reporter's plate.  The duck did taste good with crispy skin, but the meat was a bit dry and tough.  KL said it tasted no different than what I make at home!

P.S. Bring a printout of their website and get 10% off the food or a free order of fried dumplings

Sekaihanten     世界飯店 北大塚 2-14-8 North Otsuka 2-14-8    Tel: 03-3918-1918  JR 山手線大塚駅北口すぐ
豊島区北大塚2-14-8 日米ビル1F

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