
New Cat Harness (2012-12-25)


How's everyone doing this holiday?  As I said before, KL and I don't exchange Christmas gifts or give each other birthday presents.  We'd much rather shop together as we do enjoy the process of browsing and giving each other opinion on the things we buy for ourselves. 

Efoo might get gifts on special ocassion, but that doesn't happen often.  This Christmas, a new harness is all he's getting, haha!

The old harness is a bit flimsy 'cause when he freaks out while outside, he could very well shoot out of his lead (happened before) and disappear forever.  Then he'll starve and his fur will get all matted and filthy and he'll die.

SO, he needs a tough harness that encases his body securely.  This one seems to do the job.

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