
Beans-throwing Day (2005-02-03)

Can't say the Japanese are not superstitious.  They have a day called Setsubunnohi, which is today, when many people throw beans outside their houses while reciting the phrase "Ghost outside! Fortune inside!".  The ritual is believed to ward off evil spirits and at the same time summon good health for the family.  Children also eat candied beans and sweets containing beans as a snack today. 

There are so many special custom and practice Japanese do throughout the year to ward off bad spirits and bring good luck that it's hard to keep up.  For example, before work is to begin in a large commercial construction site, a Japanese monk dressed in traditional costume always carries out a ritual to bless the land to ensure smooth and accident-free work ahead.  And I saw on the evening news last Autumn about a monk performing an elaborate ritual to pray for safety for hikers before the hiking season commenced.  It is fascinating to see a society steep in cutting edge technological advancement incorporating archaic rituals in every aspect of daily life.  Japan is not just a country where East meets West, it's also old meets new, and more.

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