
Capsule Hotels (2005-03-06)

Not that I have a picture of an actual capsule from a capsule hotel to show you (sorry about that), but I have seen it on TV several times,  these capsules are like an enclosed small bunk bed.  Think of the space in a coffin, double that, and you get an idea how small they are.  For someone who only needs a bed to sleep on for the night (or just a few hours) without the need for private amenities (some capsule hotels have communal toilets and bathrooms), a capsule can save them quite a bit of money.

I walked past a few of these hotels in Shinjuku (kanji) and took a couple of pictures of one.  It charges as little as US$12 for a 3-hr renting of a capsule, it's not too bad by Tokyo standard.  Capsule hotels do offer cost effective accommodation for those on a tight budget if you don't mind the really limited space.  And oh, claustrophobia sufferers need not apply.

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