
Good Friday (2004-04-09)

I just realized today's Good Friday from talking to a friend.  I tend to forget about these western holidays living in Tokyo where people observe Easter as much as my cat observes the Constitution.  If you ask a Japanese what Easter is, he/she will probably give you a blank look.  Afterall this is a country of shrines and temples, not churches and synagogue.  And unlike Christmas when many Japanese can pretend to be a one-day Christian to celebrate the holiday  with presents, scrumptious food and drinks, Easter just doesn't carry the same festive feeling for people to party away.  It's a bit hard to convince the people of a nation which puts so much emphasis on food that part of the holiday ritual is to give up your favorite food for a week or month.

It will be tough for Easter custom to take off in Japan, not when a grown man dressed as a bunny hiding colored eggs for kids to uncover is part of the tradition because people here aren't big on rabbits.  But what if he was dressed as Hello Kitty hiding Pokermon there's a thought.

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