
Dinner At Legend Seafood Restaurant (2006-11-08)

Mud and dungeness crabs and eggs are my top three favorite food.  When we saw live dungeness crabs in the fish tanks in Legend at lunch, we said we would return to eat them (sorry crabs!).

We got one crab (slightly over 2 lbs) and a Fukien fried rice for dinner.  We didn't order anything else, not even a vegetable dish, knowing the rice and noodle dishes were huge there.  The dungeness crab stir-fried with ginger and scallions was excellent.  The meat was sweet and firm and chock full of it.  The shell's not as thick as a mud crab, thus cracking it was a breeze.  Oh, how I loved this dish!  And how I loved the price.  US$28 for a 2-lb live dungeness crab!!!  You could get just a few dungeness crab legs boiled in salted water served with melted butter in Tokyo for $70.

The fried rice arrived like a small mountain in a deep dish.  The seafood and meat sauce topping was delicious over simple egg fried rice.  I could definitely eat this dish again.  This dinner was soooooo goooood!

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