
Daikanyama (2005-04-29)

Within walking distance from Shibuya (kanji) or just a station away on the train is a posh shopping town called Daikanyama (kanji).  It is an area frequented by young fashionable women and couples.  It is not a very busy suburb like Shibuya, but there are many boutiques and expensive cafes and restaurants there. 

The apartments in Daikanyama are expensive to rent and the residents reflect the life style afforded there.  It's not uncommon to see pricey cars zipping around the area, and even bikes parked on the streets are often from those of costly imported makers.

We've only been there twice; the first time as explorers of the place and then again to take pictures and look for a particular bakery.  Daikanyama is too expensive and hip for cheap and dowdy people like us, so we probably won't go back for a long while.

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