
All-You-Can-Stuff (2005-09-20)

Fresh food in Tokyo like meat and vegetables, especially those from local farmers and growers is expensive, no question about that ( Strangely enough, imported food is often cheaper than locally-produced food).  You learn to live with it and at the mean time trying to look for a good sale to help ease the grocery bill.

And when you are really lucky, your supermarket may have what is called "All-you-can-stuff" (Tsumehoudai) sale.  In such occasion, the store will give you bags with barcode stickers for the produce on sale and shoppers can stuff as many veggies as they can in the bag.  This is one of the best supermarket bargains in town.

Last week our supermarket had All-you-can-stuff-onions sale.  I jumped right at the chance and following the tactic other shoppers are using, crammed onions all the way to the rim of the bag.   The important thing here is not to feel shy or embarrassed about your jamming technique.  The store fully expects people to heavily stuff the bags.  The cashiers are especially accommodating when it comes to handling such bags.  They would carefully lift the bag now gorged with veggies from the shopping basket, scan the barcode slowly and stand the bag back into the basket cautiously so as not to knock it over and spilling the content.

The onion bag last week cost about US$1.3.  Normally that price would get me five or six onions, my all-you-can-stuff bag netted me 16!  I can't imagine the store making any money with their onions that day, no wonder they only have this kind of sale once in a blue moon.

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