
Garlic That Looks Like Onion? (2007-11-29)

I saw some interesting garlic at the market one day.  They have the usual whitish/purplish garlic color but each one is smaller than a head but many times larger than a clove.  I vaguely read about such variety some time ago but have not seen one in the flesh.  Of course I had to buy a bag to "study" them.

A google search on "types of garlic"came up nothing.  But then smartypants KL came (he had never heard or seen such garlic before), randomly typed "single clove garlic" and got tons of returns on this interesting vegetable.  And this garlic IS called Single Clove Garlic!

This type of garlic is milder and more mellow than the normal ones.  It is also very "juicy" and crunchy or perhaps it's just very fresh.  I prefer SCG because you only need to peel one "clove" and gets the same amount of meat as four or five cloves, perfect for lazy people like me.  By the way, their not-so-papery-thin skin is very easy to peel.

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