
Lunch At Satou And Kichijouji Shopping (2007-12-22)

KL was able to spend an entire day with us during Peter's stay.  We took them to Kichijouji to do some shopping and to have lunch at the famous Satou.

Satou's take-away croquette balls are not to die for, but the steak in their upstairs restaurant could be.  All the beef served comes from Matsuzaka cow which is as sought after as Kobe beef in Japan. 

There are different sets to choose from the small menu and I got Matsu Set which comes with a 180gm steak already cubed after it's lightly cooked on a teppen.  Man, the beef was as soft as butter and just melted in my mouth!  The set's a bit pricey but so very worth it.  You've got to eat it at least once in your life I reckon!

After lunch, Peter and Rachel did their usual thing which is to boost Japan economy by dropping money here and there including Burberry and Yodobashi, a large electronic store.  Being a huge fan of Gundam, Peter was like a kid in a candy store when he saw the large stock of Gundam models and stuff in the toy section.  The kids also had a ball picking out their own toys.  KL and I --the non-shopping type tourists-- just watched in amusement as their shopping bags got bigger and bigger by the hour.

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