
Reunion (2004-08-06)

Last Sunday we went to Narita Airport to meet with some old friends from US who were having a two-hour layover in Tokyo on their way home from a trip in China.  KL first met them through a church program in Alabama when he attended university there. During his first two years in the US, the couple gave him many advices and guidance. He also stayed with the couple for one summer.  KL learned a lot from them. Although KL saw the husband and his oldest son last year, he hadn't seen the wife and the other two children for thirteen years.  Last time I saw this family, their youngest child wasn't even born yet. The shock of seeing how the kids grew into adults was big to say the least.  I remember their first two sons were only four and two when I saw them in Alabama ages ago.  Last Sunday they stood in front of me big and tall.  The older brother even had his girlfriend right next to him.

We had a late lunch together at one of the restaurants in the airport and spent the time talking about their trip in China and reminiscing of our years in Alabama.  Their younger son is a guitar enthusiast and showed us the musical instrument he bought in China which looks a bit like a guitar.  Two hours went past in a flash, just like the last thirteen years.

On another note: There were three cameras among the eight of us that day and ALL of them were gray color Sony Cyber-Shot 5.0!  Either this camera is particularly popular around the world or we are just very perceptive camera-buyers with extremely good taste.  Great minds think alike.

On yet another note: There was a big firework display in Tokyo that night and we saw several women in yukata on the train and on the streets, probably all heading to the venue.  I even spotted one walking inside the airport.  She really made heads turn, especially from foreigners.

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