
Kitchen Street Of Hong Kong (2015-01-27)

Shanghai Street is the kitchen street of Hong Kong.  The area near Yau Ma Tei station is lined with stores selling all kinds of kitchenware.  If you don't find it there, chances are what you're look for doesn't exist in Hong Kong!

We went there to get two things: steak knives and a Chinese meat tendenrizer.  I found both in one shop and because of the hot weather, we didn't browse any more shops.  But wouldn't it be fun to just spend an entire day looking at kitchenware?  That is if you like kitchen stuff like I do.

P.S. Looked at tenderizers in five shops, they were exactly the same and ranged from HK$38 to HK$18.  I got mine for $18 and the steak knives were exactly what I was looking for and they cut like a dream! 

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