
"Snow Strawberry Girl" Sweets (2005-04-28)

A Japanese sweet snack commonly found in food stalls in busy train stations or even convenience stores has a very poetic name--Yukiichigomusume (kanji), which literally means Snow Strawberry Girl.  Although many people just call it Yukiichigo--Snow Strawberry--, it still has a lovely ring to the name.

Snow Strawberry Girl is round and has a chewy shell made of sticky rice that enwraps a layer of whipped cream, sponge cake and a strawberry inside.  The shell of this snack is white, and together with the white cream and light-colored cake inside, it conjures up the image of snow, hence the name.

KL just loves this sweet treat, whether it has a poetic name or not.  But having a beautiful romantic name never goes wrong.

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