
Construction work (2004-03-23)

March 31st marks the end of  financial year in Japan.

It's like this every year: A rash of construction work springs up in February and March.  It has something to do with local prefectures securing budget for the next financial year and politics, and since I don't like to talk about politics on my site, I will tell you  about a particular kind of  workers who work on a construction site.  They are more like road guards.

In every type of construction work where a road is blocked, there is always a worker posting on one or either end of the road.  His entire day's job is mostly to apologize to pedestrians for the inconvenience and make sure they walk past the area without incident.  A mother who pushes a bicycle with a child on it often gets full service: the worker pushes the bike for her.  In fact elderly people and children get extra care and attention showered on them. 

If you've been to Tokyo, ever notice a parking garage entrance?  It is always manned by at least one guard whose job is to alert pedestrians of any car exiting the garage and direct human traffic when a driver pulls into or out of the driveway.  The garage and construction guards's job might look redundant in many countries but if they can prevent one careless driver from hitting a child who toddles across the garage driveway or one old woman tripping on a road narrowed by construction work, then it is a job well worth posting.  And oh yes, they keep the umemployment rate down.

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