
Mama Cat And Her Poor Kittens (2005-06-27)

We came across a man in a park who seemed to be the owner of a mother cat and her litter stuffed into a tote bag.  He drew the attention of many passersby and all the women were marveling at the cute little kittens who looked no more than a week old.  I don't know what he's trying to do, but it looked like he was showing off the cat family and even allowing people to take pictures holding the kittens. 

Women were hovering above the frightened kittens, yapping around them, patting them and taking them out to hold in their hands.  The kittens were cute, but it wasn't cute to see them being "played" and manhandled by humans at such a young age.  All the kittens had barely opened their eyes and were sucking at their mother's teats the entire time.  Would you like to be yanked out of your chair while you are dining with a mouth full of food?  Every time a kitten protested of being taken away from its mother and uttered a soft meow/cry, the women went ooh and ah and laughed.  If that's not deriving pleasure at someone's pain, I don't know what is.

That cat family with the intrusive humans is not a pretty picture.  It is sad.  When will humans ever learn to respect animals?

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