
Taiko Drum Machine (2005-08-12)

Taiko is a big Japanese drum which people often play in festivals and traditional art performance.  It takes a lot of lessons and hard work to play it well and the players maintain a certain rigid stance when they beat on the giant drum with heavy sticks. 

My friend and I went to see a taiko performance once and she was so awestruck by the cannonade of rhythmic beats and the plangent "dum dum dum" thumping of the sticks on the drum's surface that she went all teary at the end of the show! (my friend can be quite loopy that way sometimes)

Taiko machines in video game format are now available in game centers for people to try their hands on those drums.  Even though they aren't the real thing, I think my schmaltzy friend will be pleased to know that.

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