
Parasol (2004-07-05)

Rainy season is finally over.  What follows is a hot and humid summer.  A must-have accessory for many Japanese women is parasol.  I use one too.  Besides dreadful aged spots and wrinkles brought on by the harsh sun, skin cancer is also my concern.  Most people like to use black parasols here, but I think they look dull.  Mine is a pretty yellow, a much better color of course!

In Sydney-- where it has the highest number of skin cancer in the world-- when I used a parasol, I often became very self-conscious being the only one on the street using an umbrella under the sun.  I felt like I was the biggest geek in the world.  In Tokyo shielding myself from the sun doesn't make me feel uncomfortable or being looked upon as kooky.  It feels like I am just going with the flow.

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