
Wet Market Tour (2009-12-24)

I can't for the life of me recall the name of our chef-cum-guide, so I'll have to refer her as the Chef.  Besides taking us to the wet market, she also explained to us the custom and culture of Vietnam people and their food.  She said even local people haggle in the market and that's just the way to go, and you start at half the asking price.  I'll be exhausted if I have to do that everyday shopping for grocery.

There're no supermarkets or even convenience stores such as 7-11 in Nha Trang and the wet market is where people get food and everyday supply.  The market we went to is the second biggest in the city and it's very crowded with barely enough moving room in the aisles.  Meat and seafood are sold at room temperature and the Chef said because they are used to it, they don't get sick eating it.

Enjoy the pictures.

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