
Korean BBQ (2004-12-13)

Today I'm going to talk about yet another restaurant we went to recently.  Sorry I seem to be writing about food all the time but I can't help it.  There are just so many restaurants we want to try and I want to record every single one we did.

We went to Okubo near Shinjuku (kanji) to look for a specialised grocery store.  Little did we know the area is almost like a little Korean town.  There are chock-full of Korean restaurants and shops selling Korean things.  The delicious smell of barbecued meat from the restaurants was unbearable.  The replicas of well-known national dish of Korea, ginseng chicken soup, were also very inviting.  So we decided to have our dinner there. 

We chose one called World Cup because one of its staff was handing out discount vouchers on the street and we got one.  The inside of the restaurant is decorated Korean style.  The tables are made of heavy polished wood and diners have to sit on double cushions on the floor, shoeless of course.  We only ordered three meat items and a chijimi (Korean savory pancake), but because the servings were so big, we were absolutely full at the end of the meal. 

Was the food good?  We will definitely go back, so I think that answers the question.  To get to the area where all the shops and restaurants are, just take the North Exit at Sebushinjuku Station on Sebu Line.  Once on the street where Prince Hotel is, walk towards north until you hit the main street, Shokuan-dori.  It is only a 5-minute walk and not hard to find at all.  The hardest part is picking a restaurant to try once you are there, every one looks so delicious.

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