
Food Vendors (2004-05-06)

Food venders are an integral part of the Japanese culture.  They can be seen whenever large crowds congregate such as during a matsuri (festival) or ohanami (sakura-viewing).  May be their popularity stems from people's passion about food.  To have a gathering with families and friends without food will be unthinkable.

Popular food you can buy from food vendors include roasted chestnuts, grilled corn, stir-fry noodles, savory pancakes, grilled sausages and octopus balls.  A traditional Japanese food commonly served from vendors in the winter is oden, a stew simmered in Japanese stock.  It is served piping hot to keep the eaters warm.  But I don't know why people will want to eat it in the hot summer, you can die from overheating your body that way!

I have tried many food vendors, my favorites are grilled chicken on a stick and cotton candy.  And the occasion at which they are bought usually make them taste all the more better.

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