
When A Fish Loses Its Face (2007-01-28)

Sometimes a fish started off as a decent-looking fish... and then it hits the wok...and... all head breaks loose!

The story is: I got a flat fish home to make "Salt and Pepper" style fish.  I don't know what kind of fish it was but flat shape fish is best for this dish.  When I put it in the wok it was fine but when I tried to turn it, the side of the head which had been in contact with the wok was cooked and became gelatinous.  Gelatinous?!  This must be a special kind of species where the head is made up of gummy skin and bones which stick to the wok like glue and fall apart when moved.  So after I forcefully flipped the fish over, the head kinda disintegrated. 

I tried to preserve the head in its original shape as much as I could but it's still not pretty.  The fish tasted good though.  You can click on the photo to see the finished fish with the deformed face. 

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