
Fly Business Class And Terrorize People With Real Utensils and Watch Boobies On Movies (2007-03-07)

KL went on a business trip to California last month.  Flying business class on the return flight, he noticed an interesting thing when he was watching The Black Dahlia on his TV screen.  There was a scene of two WOMEN making out in the movie with nipples and everything showing.  This kind of nudity (or foul language or violence) would have been edited out in economy class screening.  So, the airlines people think age is not the deciding factor for who gets to watch R-rated movies, but paying a helluva lot more for a seat is? 

I've also long noticed another thing.  Since 9/11, many airlines have replaced metal utensils with plastic ones in economy class, 'cause who knows what terrorists can do with a dinner knife and fork?  However business and first class passengers have never been subjected to having to eat their meal with plastic cutlery.  In their cabins, it's all metal utensils, all the time.  If someone is bent on bringing down a plane using utensils, all they need to do is buy a business class seat and they'll have access to the axis of weaponry: butter knives, salad knives, and dinner knives.  Why is a measure administered for the purpose of national security not uniformly enforced?  

This post is getting pretty pointless and I'm too lazy to finish it off properly what I started so I shall just end my rant here.  Thank you.

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