
Cicadas (2004-08-09)

Cicadas in Tokyo don't emerge from the ground every seventeen years like those in the US, they show up every summer around this time.  I don't need to tell you much about these insects, they are anatomically the same everywhere in the world.  Usually I don't see them, but I surely hear them drone in that loud, shrill sound.

This afternoon when I was using the computer, a cicada accidentally flew into the balcony.  It rested on the glass wall and droned LOUDLY.  I managed to take a few photos of it without opening the door too widely.  I would not want it to come inside the apartment because harmless as they might be, they are still pretty scary-looking with big beady eyes and these bugs are humongous!

The one enjoying this rare visitor the most is of course our cat.  As soon as the cicada started to make its famous noise, Daifoo rushed out of his room under the staircase and headed straight to the glass doors.  He paced excitedly and occasionally jumped up the doors to try to catch the bug.  While the cicada buzzed loudly outside, Daifoo made his own low-pitched whine inside staring at the insect.  The cicada flew off in about fifteen minutes, our cat went back to his hole and I returned to my computer.  I wonder if Daifoo dreamed about cicadas while I was writing this article?

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