
Charcoal Air Purifier (2005-01-28)

In western countries, people use charcoal for pretty much one purpose: BBQ.  Here it has two other peculiar functions: rice flavor enhancer and air purifier.  Japanese believe cooking a piece of charcoal with rice will greatly improve the flavor of the rice.  But not all charcoal has this ability.  Only the kind of briquette made from burning a special kind of hardwood is fit for the job.

Charcoal is also said to be able to purify the air in a room and get rid of bad smell.  I don't know if charcoal has that kind of purifying property, but I do know that a bowl of briquettes can't do very much for the aesthetic interior design of a room.

Call me a hard critic, but if I want to improve the flavor of rice, I'll just cook some Thailand's fragrant long grain rice, no charcoal is needed in the cooking process.  As for air purifier, I prefer lots and lots of plants and good-smelling roses and flowers to big black briquettes.  Simple common sense, really.

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