What you will find in this blog (2004-02-26)
This site documents a journal of our lives in Tokyo. There're also travelogues of the cities we've visited throughout Japan and overseas. KL, my husband, who is the sole tech guy of this site has been working on the "categories" for several years now, but as he's a very busy man, don't hold your breath for that. You can use the search function to look for subjects you might want information on. Good luck!
The photos on this site are taken with my very first point-and-shoot camera and the quality is about as good as they can get cause I know absolutely nothing about photography. I don't take pictures hoping to be recognized, they are taken and posted here to show you what I see in Japan or used to illustrate my writing.
What you will find here is mostly the mundane side of life, the part that you will unlikely read in tour books. My subjects are mostly focused on everyday life, and if that interests you, welcome aboard!
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