
Tabibito Is 6! (2010-02-25)

Lots of things happened the past twelve months.  To name just a few memorable ones: Family came to visit, good friend passed away, tried out quite a few new restaurants, made some delicious food at home, I went on a local tour with my friend, KL a business trip himself, and we took a great overseas vacation.

But a most heart-wrenching tragedy took place last year: the death of Daifoo, our beloved cat.  He went to heaven and took our hearts with him. 

For weeks there was indescribable pain and loneliness in the house, I felt him around me and then not felt him, it was hard to bear.

Luckily, soon came along Efoo, a rescue kitten waiting for a good home, maybe Daifoo sent him to us.  He is a great little cat but also has his shortcomings, but we love him.

Here's hoping the next twelve months will be nothing but good events!

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